Anwar, H.; Pfahl, Dietmar; Srirama, Satish N.
Energy consumption of mobile apps is receiving a lot of attention from researchers. Recent studies indicate that energy consumption of mobile devices could be lowered by improving the quality of mobile apps. Frequent refactoring is one way of achieving this goal. We explore the performance and energy impact of several common code refactorings in Android apps. Experimental results indicate that some code smell refactorings positively impact the energy consumption of Android apps. Refactoring of the code smells 'Duplicated code' and 'Type checking' reduce energy consumption by up to 10.8%. Significant reduction in energy consumption, however, does not seem to be directly related to the increase or decrease of execution time. In addition, the energy impact over permutations of code smell refactorings in the selected Android apps was small. When analyzing the order in which refactorings were made across code smell types, it turned out that some permutations resulted in a reduction and some in an increase of energy consumption for the analyzed apps.